The GP-SFH module (Iyer & Speagle et al. 2024) is a population-level forward modeling and inference setup to constrain the power spectral density (PSD) of SFR fluctuations using spectral features for a population of galaxies. It can also be used to create physically motivated covariance functions (kernels) for priors in SED fitting (Wan et al. 2024).

Essentially, we implement the extended regulator model (Tacchella, Forbes and Caplar 2020) that parametrizes the strength and timescales of SFR correlations using a 5 parameter model: \(\sigma_{reg}, \sigma_{dyn}\) that describe the strength of the fluctuations due to the regulator model (on larger scales) and dynamical effects (on smaller scales), and parameters that encode the effective timescales for gas inflow (\(\tau_{\rm in}\)), baryon cycling (\(\tau_{\rm eq}\)), and dynamical effects (like the formation of bars, or the creation and destruction of GMCs; \(\tau_{\rm dyn}\)).

You can find the repo on Github at kartheikiyer/GP-SFH.