Exploring SFH timescales

Figure: Exploring the fluctuations in galaxy star formation histories (SFHs) across different models in log PSD space (Iyer et al. 2020, in prep.). This plot shows the average spectral slope and normalization for the power spectral densities (PSDs) of galaxies from the different models as a function of stellar mass at different timescales.

Use the slider bar to change the timescale at which the PSDs are analyzed, and the checkboxes to select which simulations to include or exclude. Since the PSD normalization changes significantly as a function of timescale, click and drag within the image to pan, and use the two zoom icons to the right to change the overall scale.

The normalization of the PSD is an indicator of the overall amount of power in SFH fluctuations at a given timescale. The slope of the PSD traces how tightly the PSD at a given timescale is coupled to timescales longer and shorter than it.

[If you have any questions, comments, or are interested in using this plot or its results, please email me at kartheik.iyer AT dunlap DOT utoronto DOT ca.]